2010. jún. 6.

Success in Canada

Racer on the track in Windsor Red Bull Air Race
We made it! Peter was not on the podium, but this was not our goal this time. All we wanted to be competitive and test the planes behaviour on track under real pressure with tight time limits and the Racer 540 passed the tests perfect. After having more than two years of development on this brand new and unique aircraft our efforts were not useless. Having our own developed aircraft in the Red Bull Air Race is more than just a big succes for us and this means as well, that we are now on a new path. Hundreds of little steps still to go and all this steps will be make a big one. Herewith we would like to say a big thanks to Eric Fauteux and to Corey Fice who did an unbeliiveable great job as well as Peter Besenyei's technician Jim Reed begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting. With all of their work all the way it could not have happened. 10th place may not be that impressive for those who haven't seen all the story we have gone through but we are pretty satisfied with all this.

2 megjegyzés:

  1. Fergeteges volt a hangulat, es a vilag legjobb erzese volt latni ahogy tobb ezer ember szajtatva nezte vegig ahogy egy Magyar versenyzo vegigszaguldott a Detroit River felett :) Nagy elmeny volt hogy szemelyesen is kinn lehettem a Race-en. A verseny utan egyenesen a repterre mentem egy baratommal hogy egy kozos fotot keszithessunk Peterrel, ebben nagy segitsegunkre volt az egyik F18-as pilota akivel a repter parkolojaban talalkoztunk. Az o segitsege nelkul be se tehettuk volna a labunkat a repter teruletere. De sajnalatos modon mire a repterre ertunk Besenyei Peter mar 15 perccel azelott elhagyta a repteret :( Jovore ismet probalkozunk, hatha sikerul !!! Sok szerencset Peter a New York-i palyan valamint otthoni legterben is :) Aug. 20-an :) Megegyszer ezer koszonet a fergeteges elmenyert amit ma atelhettem !!! Azt hiszem eldontottem hogy hasonlo palyara szeretnek lepni en is !!! Lehet hogy egyszer meg nekem szurkol majd tobb ezer ember a parton :) Tovabbi sok sikert a hatralevo versenyeken ! Udvozlettel : Peter Nagy Rajongoja : Nagy Zoltan - Windsorbol - :)

  2. Hello Peter,

    It was great to meet you in Windsor.

    If you want to see the photos I took, please feel free to browse:


    If you would like any copies ... please let me know ... my e-mail is on the website.

    Best wishes for New York!

    Steve Mundy
